The Story Behind You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence But You Can't Make Him Think

The Story Behind You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence But You Can't Make Him Think?
by Ray Comfort

I’m a Christian. I love God, and I also love atheists. I had dinner with 40 of them (at their request) early in 2008 and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I was also flown clear across the country by American Atheists, Inc., to be a platform speaker at their 2001 Annual Convention. I enjoyed that also. I have a blog called “Atheist Central” and it daily attracts a mass of atheists. I’m honored that they frequent my blog. But it riles me when militant atheists go out of their way to try and stop Bibles being given out in schools. It upsets me when atheists sue Rick Warren because he’s been asked to pray at the presidential inauguration. It makes me mad when they protest the presence of a nativity scene. It seems that their agenda isn’t to promote atheism (which is their God-given right), but it’s to undermine the rights of those who live in a country that gives us the freedom worship the God who gave us life and liberty. I believe that there are many atheists and potential atheists who are fence-sitters. They think that having a belief in God is a blind faith, when it’s not. There is a massive amount of credible evidence that proves that God exists. There’s creation. You can’t have a creation without a Creator. It is scientifically impossible. That should be enough for us, but there is much more. However, this will only been seen as evidence by those who have the ability to think. That’s why the book is called You Can Lead a Atheist to Evidence But You Can’t Make Him Think. And if God does exist, it leaves us without a fence to sit upon. I want to pull the plug on the rising tide of atheism. That’s why we have created a website called

Ray Comfort is the author of more than 60 books, including, God Doesn’t Believe in Atheists, How to Know God Exists, Evolution: The Fairy Tale for Grownups, You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, but You Can’t Make Him Think, and The Evidence Bible. He was a platform speaker at the 2001 27th convention of “American Atheists,” and in 2007, he appeared on ABC’s Nightline (with actor Kirk Cameron) debating “The Existence of God.” He also co-hosts an award-winning television program, and has a daily blog called “Atheist Central.” For more about Ray and his work, please visit and Ray's blog at


“To be an atheist is to play Russian roulette with all the chambers loaded…"
“An atheist just can’t win. Of course, he feels and acts like a big player, until the trigger is pulled. The issue isn’t the existence of God. If he is wrong and there is a Creator, then he was wrong. He gambled and he lost. No big deal. The real gamble is that there’s no Hell. That’s what makes the player sweat, just a little. “What if…?” In this entertaining and enlightening new book, Pastor Ray Comfort, author of the million-selling The Atheist Test, “talks to the atheists” and reveals not just the weakness of their arguments but the solid foundation upon which the Christian stands. Few books take the time to address the atheist’s conscience. This book not only gives empirical evidence for the existence of God, it shows atheists that they desperately need His forgiveness. Using a lively Q&A format, featuring actual questions from atheists sent to Pastor Comfort’s blog at Atheist Central, You Can Lead An Atheist to Evidence, But You Can’t Make Him Think shows that God’s existence can be proven, and that anyone can do it!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I enjoyed this column. Though I wouldn't call myself an atheist; I'm more of a free thinking agnostic, with religious ties, believing that no one possesses definitive answers regardless of what they may claim.

    Mankind has manipulated the idea of a God to suit his personal beliefs. We hope for a heaven because we feel that life is not enough. If there is anything to label as sin, that may be it. We fail to develop our potential by wasting the time we have in hope that more lies beyond. We create hell to manipulate by fear.

    Over time, the books we hold to be 'holy' are written and re-written to conform to our then current wishes and beliefs. There may or may not be a God. If so, he/she/it bears no resemblance to the clay image we have bestowed. Mankind has been on earth for eons. In that time there have been many interpretation of what God is. How audacious for us to claim that we know who or what God may be.

    I look upon religion as a heritage along with an interpretation of what a given group of people have chosen or have been indoctrinated to believe. It is by experience neither necessarily good nor bad. It is an experience.

    We should all have the personal power to believe or not to believe in what we choose and should not attempt to enforce our personal interpretation upon others...especially those who do not share those views.

    Mike Levy.


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