[Author Interview] Bever-leigh Banfield, Author of You Can Change the World @beverleigh4you

Bever-leigh Banfield, M.F.A. is a writer, actress, voice over artist, host and speaker. She has penned numerous celebrity interviews, one of which, published in Essence magazine, won the American Diabetes Association National Media Award for journalism. As an actress, Bever-leigh has performed in television shows, movies, Broadway and off-Broadway theater and national commercials. Her voice has been heard in TV and radio ads, as an ABC network announcer, in animated films and cartoons, and as narrator of planetarium space shows at landmark Griffith Observatory in Hollywood. Ms. Banfield holds an M.F.A. from the Yale University School of Drama and a B.A. from Stanford University. She has lived in Europe and the Caribbean, and traveled in Africa, South America, and across the United States. She has been gifted with psychic perception since childhood, and as an intuitive, has experienced a vision of world peace. Creating is her joy. Her debut non-fiction book You Can Change The World is about helping you be who you are meant to be, and do what you are meant to do - live your dreams, and change the world for the better!



About the Book:

You have an ultimate magic within you, capable of transforming yourself, your life and everything that exists. You needn’t fear change, leave it to others, or get stuck with whatever happens next. You can pull heaven right out of your hat with the alchemy of your heart and mind. You just have to know how to use your abracadabra presto change-o. You can make things disappear or pop up because you are the change you crave. Your dream is a reality somewhere, ready for you to experience it by making change your BFF. Tap into who you're meant to be, and the special thing you're meant to do – with this book about your mission in life, and how you can have it materialize to be happier, healthier, wealthier, wiser, and make the world a better place. 

Book Trailers:



Q: Welcome to The Writer's Life!  Now that your book has been published, we’d love to find out more about the process.  Can we begin by having you take us at the beginning?  When did you come up with the idea to write your book?

A: Actually, that’s quite a story. My You Can Change The World book came about because I had a vision. I’ve had a third eye since I was a child – that is, a sixth sense, as my Dad called it, or as some term it, psychic perception. I just see and know things I could not have knowledge of through my five senses or any information given me by an earthly source. I had to learn to accept this gift as a responsibility, and to use it so it was not just random flashes, feelings, images, or audible messages, but an employable means of contributing to the world. I don’t do it professionally, but as an adult, I am able to give readings about things that have happened, are happening beyond my physical sight, or will happen in future. It can creep me out sometimes, but it’s comforting to help people find direction in their lives, steer them away from danger, cause them to take action that will benefit them, allay their fears, or provide new hope as I see their path when they do not. I find misplaced objects, learn the gender and personality of unborn babies, all kinds of things. I help others as best I can, whenever I can – from strangers to acquaintances, family and friends. It can be difficult but also a source of happiness and fulfillment.

Many people know this about me, and because so many have told me how beneficial my insights are to them, I’ve longed to employ them on a larger scale, and I have asked for this facility. Well, one day, I saw a multitude of people. I was before them, and could see, hear, smell and taste the vibration of pure peace. I had the sense of people all over the world joined in the most delicious Oneness and joy. And I knew it was going to happen. That it was meant to be, and I could help. So I began to write a book about how the world could change from the inside of every being, out. How we could all transform the world together. How everyone could use their gifts and talents to make dreams come true, and in so doing, change the world. Now that book is a real paperback, e-book and audiobook.

Q: How hard was it to write a book like this and do you have any tips that you could pass on which would make the journey easier for other writers?

A: It was incredibly difficult at first. Because I’m an actress and voice over artist, and I’ve lived in the world of make-believe, with characters to speak through, the art of synthesizing and crystallizing my own beliefs and inner thoughts in a non-fiction mode eluded me. When I starred in Roots: The Next Generations, I had the great author Alex Haley’s words to carry me. I had Shakespeare’s soliloquies to orate during my days at The Yale School of Drama, and many very funny writers to put words in my mouth on a slew of TV sitcoms. When I wrote celebrity interviews, that was all about them, and I had their viewpoints to articulate, their stories to tell. When I began this book, I naively believed I could start with a Power Point I developed for speaking as my outline, but I soon had to abandon that notion in favor of a more organic, automatic writing style. I had to release and surrender to a higher source. I had to walk my change talk, and transition into the author worthy of the book. My tip for fellow creatives is to believe, dream huge, take action toward your vision, be flexible, and persevere. Be you. Dreams do come true.  

Q: Who is your publisher and how did you find them or did you self-publish?

A: I self-published. It’s a wild ride, a thrilling adventure, and a steep learning curve.

Q: Is there anything that surprised you about getting your first book published?

A: The biggest surprise was how much it would change me to write about change.

Q: What other books are you working on and when will they be published?

A: I’m working on publishing a mystery-thriller short story book called 12 Stories High. It will be published in early 2018. It already has a captivating cover that will be revealed in January and casts of characters in cinematic stories I hope will keep you in suspense.

Q: What’s one fact about your book that would surprise people?

A: As readers progress through my You Can Change The World book, I think they’ll be surprised by how easily, quickly, totally and radically they can change themselves once they decide to, how magical the process can be, and how big an impact they can have.
Q: Thank you again for this interview!  Do you have any final words?

A: Yes, five – LOL! You. Can. Change. The. World!!

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